Frequently Asked Questions

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What People Want to Know

What is Whitt Care?

Whitt Care is an organization that provides workshops and programs aimed at helping youth and young adults transition into adulthood successfully. We focus on personal development, career preparedness, and college transition to support their journey toward a fulfilling and empowered adult life.

Who can benefit from Whitt Care's services?
Whitt Care’s services are designed for students, parents, and schools/organizations. Students can gain valuable insights and skills to navigate adulthood, while parents can access resources to support their children’s growth. Schools and organizations can collaborate with us to enhance the personal development and career readiness of their students.
What age group does Whitt Care cater to?
Whitt Care primarily serves youth and young adults, typically ranging from high school students to young professionals. Our programs are tailored to address the unique challenges and needs of this age group.
Where are Whitt Care's services available?
Whitt Care is based in Western NY and offers services in this region. However, we are actively expanding our reach nationwide to impact the lives of more youth and young adults.
What topics are covered in Whitt Care's workshops?

Our workshops cover a wide range of topics, including personal development, career exploration, college readiness, job preparation, and social media literacy. We provide comprehensive guidance and support to help individuals thrive in various aspects of their lives.

How can students benefit from personal development courses?

Personal development courses offered by Whitt Care help students discover their strengths, improve self-awareness, enhance resilience, and develop essential life skills. These courses empower students to build confidence, make informed decisions, and navigate challenges effectively.

Are Whitt Care's services only focused on academics?
No, Whitt Care recognizes that academic success is just one part of a fulfilling adult life. Our programs aim to foster holistic growth by addressing personal development, career exploration, and life skills. We believe in nurturing well-rounded individuals who can excel in multiple areas of their lives.
How can parents get involved with Whitt Care?
Parents can actively participate in their child’s journey by attending parent workshops, accessing educational resources, and engaging in open communication with our team. We provide valuable guidance and support to parents, enabling them to play an active role in their child’s personal and professional development.
Can schools and organizations collaborate with Whitt Care?
Absolutely! Whitt Care welcomes partnerships with schools and organizations that share our mission of empowering youth. We offer tailored programs, workshops, and resources that can complement existing educational initiatives and support students in their transition to adulthood.
How can schools and organizations request Whitt Care's services?

Schools and organizations interested in collaborating with Whitt Care can reach out to us through our contact form or by contacting our team directly. We will be happy to discuss your specific needs, customize our offerings, and provide information on pricing, availability, and the next steps to initiate a partnership.

What types of workshops does Whitt Care offer for students?
Whitt Care offers a range of workshops for students, including career development workshops, college prep programs, and personal development courses. We equip students with essential skills, knowledge, and support to thrive in their educational and professional journeys.
How can Whitt Care help parents in supporting their children's success?
Whitt Care provides valuable resources and workshops for parents to navigate their children’s academic and personal growth. Our workshops cover topics such as college readiness, career exploration, and personal development, empowering parents to guide their children toward a bright and fulfilling future.
Are Whitt Care's services available nationwide or limited to Western NY?

While Whitt Care’s roots are in Western NY, we are dedicated to making a positive impact nationwide. Our services and workshops are designed to benefit youth and young adults across the country, providing equal opportunities for personal and professional growth.

What sets Whitt Care apart from other youth development organizations?
Whitt Care stands out by offering comprehensive programs that combine career development, personal growth, and college readiness. Our founder, Fantah Whitt, brings her personal experience and deep understanding of the challenges faced by underserved youth, ensuring our services are tailored to their unique needs.
How can schools and organizations collaborate with Whitt Care?
Whitt Care actively partners with schools and organizations to deliver impactful workshops and programs to their students. We offer tailored solutions to meet their specific requirements and goals, fostering a collaborative approach to empower youth and promote their success.
Do Whitt Care's workshops cover social and emotional skills?
Yes, social and emotional skills are integral to our workshops and programs. We believe in the holistic development of youth, including their emotional well-being and interpersonal skills. Our workshops provide a nurturing environment for students to develop these essential life skills.
How can I stay updated with the latest news and events from Whitt Care?
To stay informed about Whitt Care’s news, events, and valuable resources, you can sign up for our email list. By joining our community, you’ll receive regular updates, inspiring stories, and opportunities to engage with our mission of empowering underserved youth.
How Much Do Whitt Care Services Cost?

Pricing starts at $500 per workshop but will vary according to your needs such as the number of attendees, length of class, and if travel will be required. Please contact us for details.

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